Dental materials continue changing for the better and we now offer a restoration that is a more esthetic alternative to the traditional cast gold crown restoration, but commands similar strength. In areas of your mouth where high function demands are required or space for a tooth is limited because of possibly a deep overbite, we can now offer you a tooth material that is natural tooth color, but yields the strength and durability of the traditional gold onlay or crown. BruxZir Solid Zirconia Crown is that material and we have confidently been placing these restorations in our practice for almost three years. At first it was launced as being “More Brawn Than Beauty”, however, now with a new BruxZir Shaded formulation, BruxZir restorations exhibit improved translucency and color similar to your natural dentition, making them a restorative option throughout your mouth.
Designed and milled using CAD/CAM technology (3D computer generation technique), the BruxZir restoration can be glazed to a smooth surface finish to reduce plaque accumulation. No more “chipping of porcelain” as this crown restoration is built as one solid piece with no porcelain overlay. A traditional dental porcelain crown is overlayed with porcelain and can chip at times in difficult biting situations.
Next time you are in the office ask us about this exciting new technology that allows us to restore tooth colored type restorations throughout your mouth.