Patient Testimonials

(818) 347-3971

I have been a very satisfied patient of Dr. Hilton for many years. He is the best combination of excellence and kindness. His office is very well run and all of the staff are great. Any question that one day I might have to find another practice if Dr. Hilton were to decide to retire was answered recently when I saw his associate, Dr.Gunnala. (Dr. Hilton was out of the office and I needed to get in)

She was terrific. Kind, gentle, and extremely capable. I felt so comfortable being her patient .

Many thanks to her and also to her assistant Roseanne and to Adrienne in the front office for accommodating me.

This office is superb . I highly recommend it!


My husband and I have been going to Dr. Hilton for our dental services for over three decades, as have all our children as young adults as well. Recently we moved two hours away, and tried to engage a local dentist for services, however, we were bitterly disappointed. There is no replacement for Dr. Hilton and his fabulous office staff, dental hygienists and specialty staff. The office is ran very efficiently, is extremely hygienic and the staff are compassionate, caring, and exceptional in their roles They are just the best. We now continue to travel 2 hours to see Dr. Hilton because he and his staff are definitely worth the travel time.


Dear Dr. Hilton and Staff, Wow-how very happy am I? I feel so blessed to be a part of your incredible Dental Practice. My first appointment was exceptional from scheduling my appointment to my complete exam. Your staff is professional yet very warm and welcoming. Even Dr. Hilton passed my rigorous expectations! LOL! You are the very best and that is high praise coming from a fellow dental office employee! Thank you again.


Dr. Hilton. Thank you very much for making Aram's teeth so perfect. I still cannot believe it was possible. Work of Art! Aram will have a big smile on his graduation. Thank you again. Our family is fortunate to have a doctor like you.

Dear Dr. Hilton,
Thank you again and again for your expertise, extraordinary caring and patience this past year. I always felt your compassion towards my situation. You guided me through safely with a sense of ease (although I know how complicated my case was...). My dental transformation has been amazing and though I was resistant at times, it was a matter of feeling "deserving" and comfortable in my new appearance. You helped me understand the necessity of all procedures in more than layman terms. Your practice is priceless as well as your excellent staff-Adrianne, Rosemary, Christina and Brenda are professionals and supportive! I appreciate everything and everyone on your team---I am forever grateful!



He's what you want from a Doctor--a guy who knows his stuff and tells you without reservation. And he knows his stuff!
I feel like I've gotten my life back. I was diagnosed with sleep apnea, and the cpap machine I first got and tried for 6 months was intolerable. My ENT suggested Dr. Hilton, and with a mouthpiece he recommended and then had made, I'm back to being me and enjoying my life (and being enjoyable to my family again!).
Every procedure and skilled employee at his office was top notch. It really is everything you want from a dental experience.

Eric H.

Dear Dr. Hilton and Staff,...Thank you! My new sleep appliance is wonderful. No adjustment necessary. It's so light and comfortable I thought it might not be working, but I wake up happy and with energy! I'm sorry that I'm not listing all of your staff members individually, but I worry that I might miss someone and I'm not sure how to spell some of the names. Just please know how grateful I am to all of you for your exceptional professionalism, your kindness and your friendly faces.

J.T. Heartfelt thanks all the way from British Columbia, Canada

There's no better dentist out there than Dr. Hilton. Hands down. I had to get my bottom two teeth extracted and a bridge put in. He was meticulous with his work, making sure that everything was PERFECT. The process was quite long and I had several fittings to make sure the bridge that was going to be in my mouth for the rest of my life felt like my own teeth, the color matched and that my bite was perfected. Not only was he thorough, he was also gentle all the way through. I couldn't even tell he was working on my teeth...I went to him with a huge fear of dentists and walked out feeling confident and wanting to go back and maintain the huge gift he's given me. Thank you Dr. Hilton!

Tamaryn R.

Dear Dr. Hilton and Staff,

Thank you so much for practically allowing me to camp at your office!--coming in on your days off and squeezing me in whenever you could. Much appreciated. Needless to say, I now have a wonderful set of upper teeth. Thank you again.


Dr. Hilton,

Thank you for taking such great care of us. You are all amazing and we are so lucky to have you!

With love,

Marti, Kendall and Kevin

Dear Dr. Hilton,

Wow! As always you have out done yourselves. My #8 veneer is so, so perfect- 100% beautifully perfect. You “nailed it” Dr. Hilton and I really appreciate your professionalism. You are the best at what you do and you can handle “the pressure” because you ace your results.

With much sincere thankfulness,


Dear Drs. Hilton and everyone else in the office,

Words can’t express how grateful I am for all of you. I have been through so much with my teeth but you all always make me feel so special and take care of me like no other office. Thank you so much for all you do!

Love you all,


Dear Dan,...Thanks so much for reminding me of needing my dental care on a regular basis over all the years. I recently moved to Mission Viejo. I had to search out to find a new dentist. From the minute I walked into the new office I knew I was going to receive the best of care. The new dentist reminded me of you...excellent and meticulous in his practice. Having been your patient for so many years, any dentist would have to be outstanding to measure up. Many thanks for all your years of taking care of me and my family....You will always remain my favorite dentist (and friend).

Best Regards.


Dr. Hilton saved my life (and possibly the lives of others that I may have taken out if I had fallen asleep at the wheel of my car)!! I found out I had sleep apnea the year I turned 50, when I had that dreaded procedure: colonoscopy. They could not complete the procedure because I stopped breathing several times. This discovery led to a sleep study and being prescribed a CPAP machine. At first, I didn't mind the mask, but some months later I would wake up every morning to find the mask on the floor - at some point in the night I had ripped it off my face and was deriving no benefit.

I Struggled on. And I mean struggled. I have a VERY long commute to work and I was so fatigued that sometimes even in the morning I would have to pull off the freeway and have a catnap. Several times a week in the evening I would have to stop on my way home and sleep for 10 to 30 minutes! I had this constant level of stress that at some point I wouldn't be aware enough to get off the road - and I might fall asleep at the wheel.

Dr. Hilton has been my dentist for many years. He has helped me work through much of my 'dentist dread' that stems from horrible dental care when I was a kid. One time when I was going in for a cleaning appointment, I noticed on his office sign mention of sleep apnea. I asked. He informed. Seemed like something I could live with (did I mention the level of stress about causing a car accident??)

So, we began the process of making the 'appliance'. Basically a mouth guard, but fitted exactly to your mouth. It was all pretty easy. It took several appointments to get it just right, but OMG! Within a week I was arriving at work and suddenly realizing I wasn't tired! (no more naps!) I had more energy. My mental focus was improved. It was brilliant! And I was a happier human because I wasn't worried about car accidents all the time.

I should also mention here, that I'm pretty lame when it comes to self-care. I know I should take vitamin supplements, and exercise daily and cut back on ice cream...all of which I will get to 'tomorrow'. But with this apnea appliance, I'm addicted. it really, really works! The odd time I have missed a night (maybe too much wine?) I don't feel the effects the very next day, I feel them the second day. That scares me enough to get right back on track! Here's how much I believe in it - one morning I left my appliance sitting on my bedside table. My dogs chewed it to bits! And though I had to pay out of pocket, I immediately asked Dr. Hilton to order me a replacement.

It is surprisingly comfortable. Kind of like wearing seatbelts. If I try to drive without buckling up, I just can't do it. Now, even when I've fallen exhausted into bed, if I don't have my appliance, I get up and put it in. Then I sleep the night away.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention the wonderful staff in Dr. Hilton's office. They are the BEST - always cheerful and so willing to work with the crazy schedules we all have these days...
If you have sleep apnea, see Dr. Hilton.

P.S. - I tried one of the 'over the counter' snoring mouth guards. Didn't do a thing. The one Dr. Hilton made has almost eliminated my snoring.


Dr. Hilton,

I have been meaning to write you about the Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD), that you fitted me with, and how it has changed my life! I need to provide you with a little background so you can appreciate the scope of this life changing device!

About six years ago I had a sleep study conducted at an authorized sleep study facility. I spent two different nights at this facility which diagnosed me with a "severe" case of sleep apnea. I was then provided with a CPAP machine. A licensed individual came to my home, set it up, and educated me on how to use it. It was extremely difficult for me to get used to but I was bound and determined I would. This determination was fueled by the fact that I had been suffering with sleep apnea for years but I just didn't know it! After six months of diligently trying to adapt to my CPAP device-I threw in the towel. I could NOT get used to this device as it was just too deliberating!

The feeling of being constantly tired and sluggish became more overwhelming so I discussed it at length with my personal physician. She recommended that I again have another sleep study conducted. I need to point out that approximately six years had elapsed since my previous sleep study. My physician informed me that there were now "oral devices" available that "might" work for me. At her advice I had an additional sleep study conducted and the diagnosis was the same---a "severe" case of sleep apnea. The sleep study facilites Doctor recommended that I adjust the CPAP machine, which I already possessed, with different air pressures. I informed him that I had done this at length over six years earlier and was NOT going to try it again. I asked one of their technicians about an "oral appliance" that my physician had told me about. He informed that there was such a device but I would have to see a dentist that specializes in this. I asked him if he would provide me with name of the "best dentist" he knew of in southern California. A few days later I received a call and his recommendation was DR. Hilton located in Woodland Hills, CA.

At this point the rest is history. My "MAD" device has literally changed the quality of my life! I am no longer tired and sluggish as I was for so many years. My suffering is gone. My wife is also extremely appreciative not only for the fact that it has changed my life but she says that my snoring has dissipated by about 90%. Thank you for all that you have done! I would also like to thank your staff for their professionalism and friendly smiles they gave me each and every time I visited your office!

Best Personal Regards.


Dr. Hilton,

I very much enjoyed meeting you today and am still stunned that, after nearly 4 years of my posterior being nowhere near a dental chair, I have no decay or other oral drama. You clearly must be a genius!

Aside from wanting to thank you for today I wanted to convey to you how impressed I am with how well developed your practice is and how brilliantly and meticulously your vision is executed. Being self employed myself and observing the stagnation of the careers of some of my peers, I want to make sure I don’t lose my momentum as I continue to develop my business. How does one not only survive in business but excel and be excellent at all times is the concern. I felt a great deal of resonance today as I observed how your entire practice is based upon excellence; being the best, delivering the best product in terms of medical care and allowing your patients to leave your office “feeling” great. I don’t think you’ve given or accepted a lot of excuses or looked for shortcuts in building such an impressive practice and my experience in your office today again validates my quest for excellence in my own field.

I have no desire to have you drill in my mouth but I sure wouldn’t mind making an appointment every six months to just immerse myself in the super-evolved, well oiled machine that is your office.
Well done.



Dear Dr Hilton.

I just had to write and tell you that after our meeting yesterday, I drove to work with the most incredible sense of optimism! And YES. I heard you say that this appliance doesn't work for everyone, but there’s nothing wrong with hope, right? I have been tired for so very long that just the smallest chance of a change is brilliant!

I also wanted to thank you for having my back during all these problems with my left jaw- I really do appreciate all your expertise and care. It was very comforting to know that you were overseeing the whole process. Thank you.

And finally, I am very grateful for the price break you’ve extended on the appliance. I know the economic times are difficult for everyone, and you have no idea how much I appreciate your thoughtful generosity.

YOU and ALL your staff (office, hygienists and your assistants) are amazing.

Heartfelt thanks!


Dear Drs. Hilton and Foltz,

I am very happy with my new front tooth!

Thank you for the wonderful job you both did on what I recognize is a difficult tooth. Your knowledge, patience, professionalism, and organization made the entire procedure go smoothly. Furthermore, I really appreciate the fact that the staff in your offices took the time to coordinate my appointment with you in order to spare me additional trips to the Valley. I am grateful for you both.



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